Transfer Player Eligibility Statement

This page is to be filled out an ATHLETICS REPRESENTATIVE (assisted by the transfer student) only once at any NAIA institution. This form must be completed prior to participation for all students whose immediately previous identification with an institution of higher learning, even if the student has received an NAIA Eligibility Center determination for the current academic term. Complete all fields; if not applicable, write N/A in the field.

Did you enroll after the date set by the institution for regular full-time students? *
Did you graduate from high school? *

If "Yes", complete the following:

If "No" Did you earn a G.E.D.?
Have you served on Active Military Duty for one year or more? *
Have you been granted a hardship/medical redshirt by any intercollegiate athletics association or conference? *

If "Yes", complete the following:

Have you ever been suspended (or its equivalent) from any institution of higher learning? *
Have you ever attended a four-year college or university, a trade school, a junior college or other post-high school institution? *

If you answered "Yes" to the above question, complete the following two sections:

(1) Name of Institution (2) Type [2- or 4-year] (3) City (4) State (5) From MO/YR (6) To MO/YR (7) Number & Type of terms of attendance


Did you participate in an intercollegiate contest at any previous institution?
(1) Name of Institution (2) Seasons of competition* [List 1, 2, 3 or 4] (3) Sports (4) Year


I verify that I have confirmed or have been informed by my Athletics Director, who has confirmed that: *
* required field